This rainbow is a little symbolic of my mood tonight. The storm has been brewing. It's thundered and showered...then comes the beautiful rainbow. A new beginning.
Do you ever just get pissy? (Yeah, I know Big Pissy stays that way! LOL) Are you ever in a fine mood...then the least little thing just makes you pissy? I do this from time to time (my husband may say at least 10 or 12 times a day....but who's asking him?). I don't know why I do this. There's no logical explanation for it. Could it be hormones? Stress? Just because I want to?
Well, tonight I just decided to get pissy for a few minutes...to get mad for no particular sane reason. My husband made the bad mistake of asking me what's wrong. I said, "Nothing."
At this point, he should have just let me be...but because he loves me no matter what...he kept pushing. So, I told him the absolutely ridiculous reason why I was pissy. He looked at me like I had lost my mind and I felt stupid and ashamed. He is a good man to put up with me.
By now he should know that sometimes I'm a little insane. He knew this when he married me because we discussed it often. My mother even tried to warn him...."Sometimes she is just hard to live with." But he loved me and still does....mood swings and all.
So, the storm has passed and the rainbow is bright...enjoy it while you can honey!
I know exactly how you feel. Pap use to ask me "why do you have to be so toucheous?" That was the word used for my nothing is wrong moods.
Toucheous? That is a new one on me. I think I've always been like this...I remember my dad telling me that if I didn't quit pouting my "lip would drag the groung." Of course that always made me feel better..
the sad thing is: I'm not nearly as pissy as I used to be!
Can you imagine?!?!?! LOL
The drugs help....
You mean there's hope for me...
I thought I was a lost cause!
Um, yeah. I have even gotten mad before and forgotten why. But I was still mad!
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