I love this tree. It is the most perfect maple tree in the world. My husband tells me that his grandparents planted this tree when they built the house we live in...somewhere in the late 40's to early 50's.
When I think about this tree and the history and memories...I can't help but smile. I think of all the warm summer evenings his grandparents sat on the front porch and waved to neighbors as they passed by. I think of all the afternoons my husband, as a child, climbed this tree playing imaginary games.
I think of all the afternoons my oldest daughter has played here in the mud after a cool spring shower.
I think of the impromptu picture that was taken after our wedding as we walked down to the tree with Rachel in between us.
I think of someday Ella getting married here at our home and having the same picture made with that tree.
I know it's silly to be attached to a tree...but I hope it's here as long as I am.
This is such a great post. I have a tree in my yard that me and my Dad went up the creek and got to plant when we first moved into our house almost 12 years ago. I worry about that tree like it is one of my kids.
BEAUTIFUL tree! :)
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