Sunday, June 15, 2008


Ray-Ray turned 10 Friday. We celebrated by having a big pool party with lots of friends and family.
Rachel thinks she is now a "pre-teen" and with that title comes lots of a cell phone. Why would my 10 year old NEED a cell phone?
The only time she is away from me, she is with other responsible adults who have cell phones. Thus, the reason is peer pressure and the need to talk to boys.
Well, it ain't gonna happen.


Big Pissy said...

I give you a couple of months.

You'll crack. ;-)

Dejoni said...

I think I'm already cracking...found out Rachel is going to church camp for a week. Leaving this Sunday. What if she needs me...
I am such a wimp.

Anonymous said...

My 2 11 year olds desperately want cell phones too. I think me and you are the only two moms in the world who haven't give in-well sounds like you may cave...