Saturday, May 10, 2008

CONTEST!!! Give this photo a name!

Ella has hit the terrible two's just a few months early. Not only is she curious...she gets the "vapors" like Scarlett O'Hara.

This picture was taken on our vacation in Gulf Shores. Notice the Christmas PJ's....well, it's way past Christmas. We just wear 'em til we out grow 'em.

Anyway, Ella spent the majority of her time on vacation like this. People say I will miss this when they're grown? What the? I am not gonna miss the tantrums of toddler hood...unless I become senile. Which is a real possibility. Will my kids take care of me when I become senile...especially after telling all their bad stuff on the 'net? I doubt it. I see a nursing home in my future.

OK people...Here's the contest....Give this photo a name. For the next week I will be taking entries. Place your entry in the comments section at the end of this post. Winner (picked by moi, of course) will be the winner of a $25 gas card. Who doesn't need that? It will only get ya about 6 gallons...but it's free. Only one entry per email address. Good luck and make me laugh!



Anonymous said...

It's my party and I'll cry if I want to

Anonymous said...

When are you going to finally understand, this is all about ME!!!!!!!!

Love ya!
Aunt Sister